
EpiStart is a comprehensive application designed to support startups and new ventures from initial concept through to growth and scaling. It cones with a full ERP system and is part of the Epinomy suite of applications from Applied Relevance.

Core Capabilities

1. Business Model Development

Lean Canvas

  • Create and manage Lean Canvas models
  • Sections include: Problems, Solutions, Unique Value Proposition, Unfair Advantage, Customer Segments, Key Metrics, Channels, Cost Structure, and Revenue Streams
  • Each section is customizable and can be linked to other EpiStart documents

Business Model Canvas

  • Create and manage Business Model Canvas models
  • Sections include: Key Partners, Key Activities, Key Resources, Value Propositions, Customer Relationships, Channels, Customer Segments, Cost Structure, and Revenue Streams
  • Integration with other EpiStart and ERPNext documents

2. Product Development

Product Requirements Document (PRD)

  • Create detailed PRDs with sections for product overview, features, user stories, and technical requirements
  • Link PRDs to Lean Canvas or Business Model Canvas
  • Integration with project management and task tracking

User Stories

  • Create and manage user stories
  • Link user stories to personas, features, and tasks
  • Track progress and acceptance criteria

Feature Management

  • Define and prioritize product features
  • Use MoSCoW prioritization (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have)
  • Link features to user stories and tasks

3. Market Research and Customer Development

Market Interviews

  • Schedule and track customer interviews
  • Record and analyze interview responses
  • Link interviews to customer segments and personas

Competitor Analysis

  • Create detailed competitor profiles
  • Track competitor features, strengths, and weaknesses
  • Perform SWOT analysis

Persona Management

  • Create and manage detailed customer personas
  • Link personas to customer segments and user stories

4. Financial Planning and Tracking

Revenue Streams

  • Define and track multiple revenue streams
  • Integration with ERPNext accounting modules
  • Forecasting and actual revenue comparison

Cost Structure Management

  • Define and track various cost elements
  • Integration with ERPNext expense tracking
  • Budget vs. actual cost analysis

Founder Fund

  • Manage equity allocation using Slicing Pie model
  • Track founder contributions (time, money, resources)
  • Calculate dynamic equity splits

5. Project and Task Management

Project Planning

  • Create and manage startup projects
  • Set milestones and deadlines
  • Link projects to product features and business model elements

Task Tracking

  • Create and assign tasks
  • Track task progress and status
  • Link tasks to user stories, features, and projects

6. Pitch Deck and Presentation Tools

Slide Deck Creator

  • Create and manage pitch deck slides
  • Customizable slide templates for different pitch scenarios
  • Export options for various presentation formats

One-Pager Generator

  • Create concise one-page summaries of the business
  • Customizable templates
  • Export to PDF and other formats

7. KPI Tracking and Analytics

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Define and track startup-specific KPIs
  • Integration with ERPNext data for automatic updates
  • Customizable dashboards and reports

Analytics and Reporting

  • Generate reports on various aspects of the startup
  • Visualize data using charts and graphs
  • Export reports in multiple formats

8. Collaboration and Communication

Team Management

  • Manage startup team members and roles
  • Track individual contributions to the Founder Fund
  • Integrate with ERPNext HR modules

Document Sharing and Versioning

  • Share documents within the team
  • Track document versions and changes
  • Set permissions and access levels

9. Integration Capabilities

ERPNext Integration

  • Seamless data flow between EpiStart and ERPNext modules
  • Leverage ERPNext features for accounting, inventory, and CRM
  • Single sign-on between EpiStart and ERPNext

API and External Tool Integration

  • RESTful API for integration with external tools
  • Webhook support for real-time data synchronization
  • Integration with popular startup tools (e.g., Slack, Trello)

10. Customization and Extensibility

Custom Fields and Forms

  • Add custom fields to any EpiStart document
  • Create custom forms for specific startup needs
  • Extend existing functionalities with scripts and custom code

Workflow Management

  • Create custom workflows for startup processes
  • Automate tasks and notifications based on workflow stages
  • Integrate workflows with ERPNext and external tools


EpiStart provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed specifically for startups and new ventures. By integrating lean startup methodologies, financial planning, product development, and project management, EpiStart offers a unified platform for entrepreneurs to plan, execute, and scale their businesses efficiently.

The tight integration with ERPNext ensures that startups can seamlessly transition from early-stage planning to full-scale operations without changing their core business management platform. The use of ReactJS and TailwindCSS for custom UIs, coupled with the robust Frappe Framework backend, provides a modern, scalable, and user-friendly experience for startup founders and their teams.